Our Vision

Our purpose is to put together African laws and Africa's latest legal news
in a single site as a focal point to legal researchers.

What We Offer

Africa-laws.org is a free legal database that mainly offers Codes, laws, regulations for All 54 African countries (North Africa , East Africa , Central Africa , West Africa , Southern Africa) as well as Africa's Regional Economic communities (OHADA, CEMAC, UEMOA, OAPI).

Africa-laws.org offers a legal database of over nine disciplinary sectors (Civil Law, Banking and finance Law, Commercial Law, Privacy law, Tax law, Family law, Competition Law, Consumer Law, Employment Law, and Intellectual property Law).
Africa-laws.org issues articles on Africa's latest legal news, analysis of the latest laws and regulation for all African countries.

Meet the Author
Hajar Maider

I am a legal analyst specialized in business law, with an experience in regulatory watch and analysis for the region of Africa. My passion for legal technology led me to self-learn programming languages creating this online platform to encourage the exchange of information and collaboration among legal researchers.

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