Cameroon ratifies the agreement on immigration between Cameroon and Switzerland

On November 17, 2020, the President of Cameroon ratified the agreement on immigration between Cameroon and the Swiss Federal Council signed on September 26, 2014.
Jan.03.2021 16:03 GMT
international immigration

On November 17, 2020, the President of Cameroon ratified the agreement on immigration between Cameroon and the Swiss Federal Council signed on September 26, 2014.[1]
The agreement aims to strengthen the bases of cooperation on immigration between the two countries as it allows reciprocity between Switzerland and Cameroon in matters of management of immigration. The agreement ensures the repatriation and reintegration of illegal immigrants with due respect for their human rights through regulating the return measures and expenses.

Readmission of Irregular Migrants

The Agreement sets out the conditions of entry and stay, thus nationals of each contracting state wishing to enter or stay in the territory of the other contracting state are required to comply with the legislation of the host country relating to entry and stay.
Readmission of nationals is one of the key provisions of the Agreement, in pursuant with the provisions of article 5 of the Agreement each contracting state is required to readmit into its territory, upon a written request from the other contracting state, any person who does not meet or no longer meets the conditions for entry or stay applicable on the territory of the requesting contracting state, provided that it is established that it possesses the nationality of the requested contracting state.

The procedure of the Readmission

Within the limits of its national legislation, the requesting contracting state undertakes to take all measures aimed at preserving the honor, dignity and physical and moral integrity of the person in a situation of readmission, as well as to put in place favorable conditions for its socio-economic reintegration.
The costs of transporting the persons concerned to the territory of the requested contracting state are borne by the requesting contracting state to the point of entry into the territory of the requested contracting state.
The return of persons in a readmission situation is made by commercial flights and the number of persons admitted on return is limited to five (5) per flight.

The Agreement on immigration between Cameroon and the Switzerland -PDF

Notes :
[1] Law N ° 2020/016 of December 17, 2020 ratifying the Cooperation Agreement on migration between Cameroon and the Swiss Federal Council.
🏷️ #Cameroon, #migrationagreement, #africalaws, #irregularmigrants, #Readmission